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Email and Stationery in Windows 7

In Windows 7 there is no email client similar to Outlook Express. Your computer may come with Windows Live Mail already installed, or, if not, you can download it from Windows Live.

However, you may not like Windows Live Mail.
In that case, the best alternative I've found so far is Thunderbird.

If yours is a language other than U.S. English, here's a site that offers the
Thunderbird email client in dozens of languages, including British English.

To make Thunderbird use stationery as in Outlook Express, you will also need the Thunderbird Stationery Add-on.

Thunderbird can be set up to download emails sent to you at a Gmail address.

I can't give you any advice as to the use of Thunderbird, as I'm only feeling my way with it now. However, a quick Google search will lead you to heaps of great "How to" sites, so you don't need to fumble through learning all alone—and it's well worth the effort!

One page I liked was Keep it Working.


Questions or comments? I’d love to hear from you. My email address is here.

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