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We started off in Jordan,
And to Egypt took a train.
Behold! A giant desert!
Large and blank and plain.
We hiked up Mount Sinai
And stood gazing from the top.
Across the Red Sea, Egypt!
A land that was quite hot.
A short hike down the mountain,
Some traders we did see.
To travel around Egypt,
Some camels did buy, did we.
We went across to Cairo,
And boated down to Giza
We saw the pyramids and the Sphinx,
Before we started to snore-za
Then by boat we went to Thebes
And heard about the Sphinx.
We then went the western way,
To the Valley of the Kings-x,
We then went to Tutankhamen's tomb,
Of the Valley of the Kings.
We now can see what Carter meant,
When he said : "Wonderful things"
Boating back to Cairo,
Some farmland we did see
It was very Egyptian,
As Egyptian as can be.
We went to the Museum,
Not knowing what to see.
But Tutankhamen's pectoral
Filled our hearts with glee.
And as we at last finish,
Our trip around this land.
We talk a lot together,
As we fly from Egyptian sand.
Questions or comments? I’d love to hear from you. My email address is here.